Starring Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni, Directed by Mariano Baino.
A MOVING READ is a Sci-Fi short film starring Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni.
Directed by Mariano Baino; the cast includes Lauren Baino, Bruno Tramice and Ettore Nigro. Introducing Papyrus and Giulia Hermann.
The film was shot in Naples, Italy, thanks to funds offered by NUOVO IMAIE along with the generous help of Maurizio Gemma, Simona Monticelli and all the great staff from the FILM COMMISSION REGIONE CAMPANIA.
A special thanks to the tireless and hardworking crew, which hailed from the ACADEMIA DI BELLE ARTI of Naples.
Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni also composed the music for the film.
A heartfelt thank you for everyone who made A MOVING READ possible.